Anunciarse en Google: Nueva herramienta de orientación contextual.

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¿Qué es la Herramienta de orientación contextual?

Con la Herramienta de orientación contextual, puede crear listas de palabras clave centradas exclusivamente en un tema para las campañas que se publican en la Red de Display de Google. Al ingresar palabras o frases en la herramienta, esta le sugiere un grupo de palabras clave relacionadas con sus términos y luego reúne estas palabras en grupos de anuncios centrados en temas.

Las listas de palabras clave centradas exclusivamente en un tema son la base de la orientación contextual eficaz. En la Red de Display, la orientación se lleva a cabo en el nivel del grupo de anuncios, es decir, AdWords analiza todas las palabras clave de un grupo de anuncios para identificar un tema. Luego, este tema se hace coincidir con páginas web relacionadas.

Por ejemplo, si vende equipos para yoga, comúnmente demoraría un tiempo en crear grupos de anuncios separados para cada línea de productos, como las alfombras para yoga, la ropa para yoga, los equipos para yoga, etc.

Con la Herramienta de orientación contextual, cuando escribe cada categoría de productos, la herramienta genera listas de palabras clave todavía más centradas en un tema. Por ejemplo, al ingresar "alfombras para yoga" en la herramienta, se generan grupos de anuncios más específicos, como alfombras para yoga de diseñadores, alfombras delgadas para yoga, alfombras para yoga con diseños, etc. Estos son grupos de anuncios separados que lo pueden ayudar a generar más tráfico y ventas, pero que no se le ocurriría necesariamente definir si creara manualmente sus campañas.

Contextual targeting just got easier for your display campaigns

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 | 12:00 PM

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Last week, we launched the Contextual Targeting Tool to help your clients more easily reach customers as they spend time on millions of sites in the Google Display Network.

As you already know, with contextual targeting you can reach potential customers as they read web pages related to your clients' products or services. Now, with this tool, you can create contextually-targeted campaigns more easily and quickly, while generating more clicks and conversions for your clients' campaigns.

What does the Contextual Targeting Tool do?
This tool automatically builds keyword lists that can be used to show your clients' ads on relevant web pages in the Google Display Network. Tightly-themed keyword lists are the basis of effective contextual targeting, and with the Contextual Targeting Tool, you no longer have to build them manually. In minutes, you can build dozens, even hundreds, of keyword lists, scaling client's campaign performance while ensuring accurate targeting for their ads. This means they can get more clicks and conversions for campaigns and you can create these campaigns more quickly. Many of you have previously been using the Wonder Wheel tool to do this. The Contextual Targeting Tool now automates this process, and it does it right within clients' AdWords accounts.

How do I use it?
Let's say your client sells soccer equipment and gear. Normally, you'd have to manually build out separate ad groups for each of your product lines, like soccer gear, soccer balls, soccer cleats, etc. With the Contextual Targeting Tool, simply type each product category into the search box, and the tool will automatically generate tightly-themed keyword lists for you. For example, when you enter soccer gear into the tool, you get more specific ad groups, such as youth soccer gear, discount soccer gear, soccer uniforms, soccer bags, etc.

Along with the new ad groups, the tool provides suggested bids and predicted placements to give you an idea of the types of sites in the Display Network where the ads can appear.

The Contextual Targeting Tool has been available to agencies and advertisers using AdWords Editor. This week, you will be also able to access it from the Opportunities tab in AdWords accounts, although for now you'll still need AdWords Editor to implement the ad groups in clients' accounts (download AdWords Editor). However, this requirement will be lifted and you'll be able to implement new ad groups directly from AdWords accounts in the coming months.

You can learn more about using the Contextual Targeting Tool by watching this video. We hope this tool will help you more easily and efficiently reach your clients' goals with their Display Network campaigns. 


Jose María Corbí

Teléfonos: 960118929; 911298795; 902021130
Skype: josemariacorbi

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