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Paid Search is Not Keyword Advertising–It's Restrictive Advertising

9:00 am in PPC Marketing Blog by brad gedes

Paid search (publicidad de pago por clic en Google Adwords)  is no longer just the realm of keyword advertising. Often keywords are closely associated with paid search. However, considering you can target consumers with placements, audiences, and categories without ever using a keyword; paid search is no longer just keyword advertising.

Another way to think of paid search is by the restrictions you place on your targeting.

Consider this scenario. Google gets 88 billion searches per month across all of its properties per month. That is too many searches for anyone to advertise upon. Therefore, you decide to just target users in only the United States, that brings the possible searches to roughly 19 billion.

Therefore, you add another restriction, you decide to just advertise on Google. That narrows down your audience to 12 billion searches

In this case, we will go ahead and choose a keyword. We could skip this stage in many instances if we are targeting only the display network. To further constrain your ad serving you choose a keyword, for this example we'll choose the DVD category: That narrowed down the queries to 16.6 million searches per month. That number is still to large for most budgets.

Therefore, we do not just choose DVD,  we refine the keyword to make it 'portable DVD player' and we're down to 260,000 searches per month.

Never forget your match types. To continue to restrict your targeting, change the match type to exact, that brings us to 33,100 searches per month.

When you examine the retail sector, retail sales spike over the lunch hour during the week days, after 6pm on the weekdays, and on the weekends. Therefore,  we eliminate searches between midnight and 8am. That brings our searches per month to roughly 24,800 per month.

However, if you were an actual store, you might not advertise to the entire United States. If your store were only in Chicago, you would then only want your ad displayed when the user is in Chicago. The location targeting of your ad brings the searches to 776 well qualified searches per month.

If we only wanted to reach users who were on their mobile device, you could only have your ad displayed on phones and that would bring the total searches to 137 per month.

You can also restrict advertising by:

  • Website
  • Audience
  • Keyword
  • Time of day
  • Day of the week
  • Match type
  • Language
  • Mobile device
  • Mobile carrier
  • Mobile device type
  • Desktop / Laptop
  • Location
  • Audience
  • Category
  • Search
  • Display
  • Search Partners

It is possible to only show your ad to someone:

  • Who is on the New York Times Website
  • When the user is in the business section
  • And the article is about stock brokers
  • The user is in Minneapolis
  • It is a Monday
  • Between 8am and 10am
  • The user is on an iPad

Rarely will you want to use every restriction possible as that does narrow down your audience tremendously. However, using a few restrictions can help you find the balance between reach and conversions. The larger your reach – the worse your conversion rate. The smaller your reach, the higher your conversion rate. Using a few restrictions is vital to showing your ad to the correct consumer.

Many new advertisers think about reaching everyone. Reaching everyone is rarely a great business strategy. The goal should be to reach the correct audience. This can be accomplished through the use of restrictions.

Next time you're thinking about advertising, don't think about the world of possibilities – think about how to narrow down who sees your ad so your ad is displayed in front of the audience most likely to convert.

Jose María Corbí

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Gran actualización de Google Adwords Editor

Today we released AdWords Editor Version 9.0 with a number of new features designed to help you make changes across accounts more efficiently, as well as to manage new ad features, such as Ad Sitelinks and high-end mobile targeting, at scale. We've highlighted key changes below. More details are available in the AdWords Editor Version 9.0 release notes.

AdWords Editor Version 9.0 highlights:
Scalably manage Ad Sitelinks - Version 9.0 provides full support for Ad Sitelinks, including downloading and uploading to your account, making edits, checking changes, and importing and exporting Sitelinks.
Improved Add/Update Multiple and Import CSV tools - When entering new data using the Add/Update Multiple tool, you can now enter your data with the columns in any order, assign the appropriate headers to each column, select the option to remember the order of your columns for your next import, and approve or cancel the changes in the account in one click. In addition, Import CSV now includes the option to Paste Text as well as to import From File.
Set high-end mobile targeting options - AdWords Editor now supports the ability to set campaigns to target high-end mobile devices, (including Android, iPhone, iPad and Palm) and carriers in Campaign Settings.
Better manage multiple accounts and MCCs - To help you better manage multiple accounts, AdWords Editor now offers sort and search for accounts, select and remove multiple accounts, and a new dropdown menu above the Account tree in AdWords Editor that displays recently accessed accounts, so that you can quickly switch to any one of them.

In addition, when adding an MCC account to in the Add New AdWords Account dialog, you can search within the list of available child accounts, display extra columns, and move up to a different level in the MCC account hierarchy.
More easily find and make bulk changes to negative keywords, placements, or audiences - To more easily locate and manage negative keywords, placements, or audiences in your account, we've changed the way we display Negatives in AdWords Editor. The Negatives tab has been removed, and you can instead toggle between displaying negative or positive keywords, placements, or audiences by clicking the Positives or Negatives switch on each item's respective tab.

The Select Duplicates button is now available for negative keywords when in the Duplicate keywords view mode.
The next time you log into your AdWords Editor account, you will be prompted to upgrade. You may also download Version 9.0 from the AdWords Editor website. After you install the new version of AdWords Editor, your accounts will need to be downloaded again. To preserve your comments and unposted changes, select the Backup then Upgrade option in the automatic upgrade prompt and save the backup file to your computer. Then, re-download your account and import the backup file to AdWords Editor.

For more information, check out the release notes and visit the AdWords Editor Help Center.

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