Publicidad en Google: leyendas de la blogoesfera sobre Google Adwords

Publicidad en Google: leyendas sobre Adwords. Post Número 1.

Os acompaño a continuación una serie sobre mitos de Google Adwords. Si alguien necesita traducción que se ponga en contacto con nosotros.

There's lots of misinformation floating around the web about the way AdWords works, and our AdWords support teams get to hear most of it. Since many of the same issues seem to keep popping up again and again, we thought we'd run a blog series to help you separate the myths from the facts.

Myth # 1: Spending money on Google AdWords will influence my website's ranking in Google's free search results.

Fact: Google AdWords and Google's free search results are entirely independent of one another. Spending money on AdWords won't impact your ranking in Google's free search results. Similarly, cancelling your AdWords account won't lead to your website being banned from Google's search results.

Myth # 2: Google AdWords has declined my credit card.

Fact: Google itself doesn't actually decline credit cards. The decline usually takes place at your bank, your card-issuing institution, or its payment processor.

If your credit card gets declined, your first step should be to check and make sure you've filled out the Billing Preferences page correctly. Some common mistakes include:

  • Missing or invalid credit card number or security code
  • Missing or invalid expiration date
  • Missing or invalid billing address and/or telephone number
Once you've gotten that squared away, make sure that there aren't any problems with your card itself. Be on the lookout for issues with your:
  • Credit limit
  • Maximum amount per debit
  • Number of possible debits within a certain period
If any of these are too low for your AdWords account, contact your bank or card-issuing institution. You should also be sure that your card allows for online debits and automatic debits.

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